신선설농탕 神仙雪濃湯




The dish we're gonna recommend today is none other than the popular beef broth soup every korean love! With literal translation from the name of the dish, it actually means " snow thick broth soup"! The soup base is boiled from ox bones over long hours, giving the dish a milky white outlook.

Like your typical korean restaurant, its rare to find one that doesn't serve Kimchi! Unveil the metal lids and you'll find yummy side dishes in a large serving container! Pick out the amount you need, and slice them up with the scissors given! This restaurant serves refreshing barley or malt drink too!

Take a break from all the spicy food, and try the original beef broth soup if you are craving for something light! This franchised beef broth soup store will have you welcome around the clock (24hours) should you decide to grab supper after partying or breakfast after the whole night out! ;D

韓國人怎麼吃雪濃湯的呢? 讓我們家經理來示範一下~
So how can we eat this beef broth soup the native way?? Let our manager do the talk!

Made sure the cover is on, pick up the bowl of rice and give it a few shake left and right!

Repeat till the rice molds into the shape of the bowl.

Mix the rice into the soup!

Stir the rice into the soup and eat it while its piping hot!! (:

Grab a cuppa hot honey lemon tea after your meal beside the entrance of the restaurant!

✪ How to Order?  

神仙雪濃湯弘大店的入口旁邊貼有小海報,有中/英/日文說明及圖片,這裡的牛肉都是澳洲產的,泡菜跟米都是韓國國內產 Look out for the mini posters at the entrance which states all beef products are imported from Australia and Kimchi are produced locally.
  • 下圖左→雪濃湯(有分一般尺寸 7,000 韓元/加大版 10,000 韓元/未滿十歲兒童可選擇兒童版 5,000 韓元) The picture on the left below shows the original beef broth soup. (Regular size 7,000won/ Upsize 10,000won/ Kid's size 5,000won)
  • 下圖右→餃子雪濃湯 The picture on the right below shows dumpling beef broth soup.
  • 下圖左→長壽雪濃湯(多加了人蔘、紅棗及大蒜等藥材及牛頭肉) Picture on lower left shows a "century-year-old beef broth soup" Don't worry, it hasn't been cooked for a century :p  Ginseng, red dates and garlic (healthy food!) were additional ingredients for this soup!
  • 下圖右→蒸餃子 Steam dumplings Oooo~
  • 菜單全圖 Full view of the menu.

✪ How to Go?

從 HongdaeJKHouse 大樓出正門之後右轉直走,到了十字路口處就可以看到神仙雪濃湯在你的斜對面。
Turn right out of HongdaeJKHouse building and walk straight till you reach the cross-junction. Spot the restaurant diagonally across the road from where you are!

✪ 店家資訊

신선설농탕 神仙雪濃湯

24 小時營業
