구이가 烤肉店

如果要問我,來到 Hongdae JK House 的客人詢問度第一名的韓國飲食是什麼,大概就是烤肉了 XD 
If you were to ask which is the most popular delicacy in Korea, it has to be the barbecue meat!!

在熱騰騰的鐵盤上放著油滋滋香噴噴的五花肉,用剪刀把肉剪成適合入口的大小 ,一旁再放泡菜一起烤,最後拿起一片生菜,把烤好的肉跟泡菜、洋蔥等配料,再加點個人喜好的烤大蒜或是飯,包起來一口吃下去,人間美味啊~~~
Having Barbecue meat the Korean way: Line the pork belly and Kimchi on the grill, slice it into small pieces, wrap it up with a piece of lettuce along with roasted garlic, kimchi, bean paste and eat it in a gulp! Yummyyyyy!! ;D  

Look out for this Barbecue meat restaurant while you are in Hongdae! Popular among local Koreans, you'll find a wide variety of barbecue meat at an affordable price! Just like any other restaurant, the tasty side dishes here are refillable!

也許大家都知道삼겹살豬五花是最普遍的烤肉,但是在구이가我們要特別推薦날아라갈매기,( 中文翻譯是飛翔吧肉!XD ),這款肉質比較軟,有經過一點醃製所以味道很特別,是老闆最喜歡的菜色,推薦大家試試看喔!
Most of you would have heard of Korea's famous pork belly. However, ditch the pork belly this time round, for we're going for the 날아라갈매기 pronounce as (na-ra-ra-kar-may-kee)! In literal translation, it means "Take flight, pork" hehe! "This particular dish is a must try in this restaurant!" says boss!

下圖的料理叫도시락,這種傳統飯盒是以前韓國學生上課時候的午餐便當,也很推薦大家試試,記得拿到之後要大力的上下左右搖晃飯盒,把料跟飯混合之後再吃,這可是韓國傳統喔!The picture belows shows the "lunch box" dish. Believe you guys would have heard of Bento set lunch in Japanese food culture. Likewise, this is a similar dish, different name, we call it 도시락 (pronounce as to-shi-rak) So, how exactly do we eat this? Easy! Just shake the content and Tadah~ it's ready to serve!

Nobody needs to know we just came out from the Barbecue restaurant~ Hide the barbecue smell by spraying on (a lot) of fabric freshener and popping a mint by the cashier counter after your meal! ;)

✪ How to Order?  

If there are 4 person, we recommend 3 portion of meat along with lunch box dish and a steam egg dish!

날아라 갈매기 ____ 인분、도시락___개、계란찜___개  주세요.
(譯:請給我 날아라 갈매기 肉 ____ 人份,便當 ____ 個、蒸雞蛋 ____ 個)
I would like to have ___ portion of the "take flight pork" dish, ___ of the "lunch box" dish and ___ steam egg dish.

(音:LaRaRaKarMeKi ____ In Bun, Do SiRak ___ Gae, KeRanZim___Gae ChuSeYo.)

일인분  一人份(依 rin bun)1 portion

이인분  二人份(壹 in bun) 2 portion
삼인분  三人份(參 min bun) 3 portion
사인분  四人份(撒 in bun) 4 portion

한 개 一個(han gae)one
두 개 兩個(du gae )   two
세 개 三個(se gae) three
네 개 四個(ne gae) four

✪ How to Go?

從 HongdaeJKHouse 出發,出甜甜圈店的正門之後左轉直走,請過右手邊的馬路朝八號出口方向前進,過了八號出口之後請右轉直走約一百公尺就看得到店面了。
Step out from the exit from Dunkin Donuts, turn left andwalk straight, cross the road on the right towards exit 8 of Hongdae Station. When you pass exit 8, turn right and you should see it in the radius of 100m!

✪ 店家資訊

구이가 烤肉店
營業時間:24小時 24/7
